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Practice Made Perfect: A Complete Guide to Veterinary Practice Management, Third Edition

This new edition brings more information on how to build or brush up on the diverse skills you need for practice management. The third edition of this bestselling resource covers key topics such employment law, inventory, marketing and social media, accounting, and more.

$135.00 Member
$160.00 Nonmember

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Presale orders will be taken until August 5th. After that date member price will be $179.00 and non-member $210.00 price will be. Any presale orders will be shipped to the buyer August 15th.

The goal of the third edition of Practice Made Perfect is to create an increasingly comprehensive reference that is useful to a novice manager by including basic information on the wide variety of practice management issues any veterinary hospital administrator must handle, while expanding the detail and resources required for advanced knowledge and increasingly greater responsibility required in today’s veterinary practice. Even experienced practice managers and administrators should find this edition a good resource and refresher.
Marsha L. Heinke, DVM, EA, CPA, CVPM, has dedicated herself to the veterinary profession through her accounting and consulting practice, Marsha L. Heinke, CPA, Inc. In addition to speaking at veterinary conferences and facilitating study groups, she shares knowledge and advice through her writing, having written numerous articles and authored and coauthored books for the veterinary profession.
Volume Contents
Volume 1:
Chapter 1: What You Need to Know About Management
Chapter 2: What Does it Take to be a Manager?
Chapter 3: Nurturing a Culture of Success
Chapter 4: Strategies for Practice Planning
Chapter 5: Personnel Management 
Chapter 6: The Employment Cycle
Chapter 7: Employment Laws and Benefits
Volume 2: 
Chapter 8: Client Services 
Chapter 9: Medical Records
Chapter 10: Inventory Control and Management
Chapter 11: Hospital Revenue and Financial Control
Chapter 12: Accounting, Bookkeeping, Budgeting and Financial Management
Chapter 13: Wellbeing, Resiliency and the Human-Companion Animal Bond
Chapter 14: Marketing Your Veterinary Practice
Coming Soon!
  • Companion website to supplement this book!
  • Forms from the book available for download!
  • Weblinks to help managers make deeper dives into subject material referenced in this book! 
  • and MORE!!!!
"Practice Made Perfect is the most comprehensive resource available for veterinary practice managers and practice owners – and it is written in straight forward, easy-to-understand language. Whether you are new to management or you have years of experience, this text can help you move your practice forward with practical, step-by-step guidance in all aspects of veterinary practice operation – from HR & staffing to inventory management to practice financial operations. This is a must-have reference for every practice library!" - David McCormick, MS, CVA

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